Sierra Kay Reinventing The Tattoo

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Sierra Kay

Posted by on 04.25.16


My name is Sierra.  I'm in Pensacola, Florida.  I've been tattooing professionally for 12 years.  I spent two years apprenticing with the artist that I still work with to this day.  I've only worked at two different shops.  Spent 8 months at one that just didnt fit for me and ended up going back to where I started.  I'm glad I did.

I've been drawing since I was a child.  We were poor, so pencil and paper made for the best entertainment.  As I grew it helped me express myself and gave me a sense of accomplishment that nothing else has ever rivaled. 

I'm hoping to gain advice and knowledge by joining this forum.  My colorwork is where I feel most confident.  Blending colors and using them effectively is my strongest area.  I still have a lot to learn there, especially from amaziong colorsmiths like Guy Aitchison,  Russ Abbott and Jeff Gogue.  My weakest area by far is my linework.  I've struggled with it for years.  Hell over a decade now.  I'm most upset by it because I'm really wanting to delve more into illustrative, mandalas, and mendhi style tattoo art, but my linework is so weak and lacking that I can't progress.  I've included a link ti my artist page (That hopefully will work)  and I will be posting to the critique section.  So if anyone can help me I'll be extremely grateful.  Thank you!



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